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The Benefits of Social Media for B2B Companies

Michael Kaufman - Social

There’s a common misconception that the benefits of social media are mainly limited to BtoC, or business to consumer, industries. This simply isn’t true. There are a whole hosts of reasons to build your social media for B2B, or business to business activities. We’re here to use our experience of increasing business’ ROIs to give some advice on why, and how, to use social media for your B2B enterprise.

Content promotion
Social media is one of the many great channels for distributing your content to the masses, encouraging engagement with your business, increasing brand visibility and reach, bringing customers to your website, and ultimately making sales.

Low Cost
Although it does take time and effort, a social media campaign can be started with a relatively low level of expertise and very little money; this makes it great for both start-ups on a tight budget and established businesses alike.

As well direct contact with potential customers, social media for B2B helps increase visibility to third parties like news sites, reviewers, industry professionals, and associations; attention from these will magnify the effect of your campaign, building trust due to third party recognition and endorsement.

Competition engagement and monitoring
As well as giving you a chance to engage in the community around your business, it can help you keep tabs on what your competitors are offering; this is valuable information if you plan to stay in the race.

Drive traffic
As well as using your content to drive traffic to your website and provoke conversions, social media can be a way of getting people to click through to your homepage, in the form of your profiles and links in posts.

Paid advertising
Some paid advertising on social media has good conversion rates, when it’s used as part of a carefully designed strategy to target the right audience.

To learn more about social media for B2B, why not visit our social media page here, or if you prefer more of an in-house operation, then take a look at our social platform, giving you the ability to harness your social media activity from creation, right through to content discovery and trend monitoring.


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