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Search Engine Optimisation

After last time, we make sure that Nemo always gets found!

OK so we don't actually run SEO for Nemo...

After all he doesn’t need it, but companies and businesses with websites do and that’s where we come in. You see SEO is really important as it tells the search engines that you have a site, and how to find it and more importantly, make it visible to everyone looking for what your website has to offer. A search engine is a lot like a catalogue, however instead of a straight forward index with predefined categories, it builds an index based on what visitors may type into the search bar. So you need to make sure they can find, crawl, read and continually index your site (on-page optimisation). On top of that, all your competitors are going to do the same, so now the real fun starts – rankings and relevance (off-page optimisation). Keep reading and we’ll show you how we can make SEO work for you.

Website Optimisation

So you have a website, but... ...Is there enough relevant copy? Does the information provided match predicted search queries? Is it easy to use and navigate? Does it have a structured internal link network? Is the meta data all present? Does it look professionally designed for modern browsers and devices? Is it quick enough to load? Did you read and answer all these questions? We take care of all of that and more, ensuring your website is properly optimised for search engines.

Content and Keywords

Websites require regular, informative, and unique content to be listed and ranked by search engines. The quality, and regularity of the content helps to improve rankings and search position, not to mention the speed of which visitors click off the page as algorithms can detect whether a visitor is satisfied or not - another ranking criteria. That's why we provide great content for websites!

Social Media Influence

Publishing your content on social media can definitely help your ranking and authority. With appropriate sharing you create more external links and by having a large amount of quality followers, these links become valuable, and with an increased amount of searches with your brand helping as well. Search engines are increasingly listing social profiles in their results, and with social bookmarking you can encourage users to do a lot of the work for you. Engage with that and you will see rankings improve.


Quality links from trusted, authoritative websites can work wonders for your SEO. Although the technique of getting loads of links is now frowned upon, genuine links from trusted, high ranking sites are a key influencer to search engine algorithms. If these links come from other relevant sites within your industry then even better. Search engines also look at where they're placed too, putting weight on body copy as opposed to flashy buttons or generic terms such as click here.

Local SEO

It's kind of an obvious one really. If you operate in an area, then mention it. Add it to the meta and content of your site where you can - within reason obviously. Get a Google Business page. Control your Citations and make sure your business details are the same everywhere they are mentioned online. Grab some reviews (Google, Facebook etc.). Many searches include areas and towns, so trying to rank for those is key. We can help boost local search traffic and bring more targeted enquiries to your business.

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