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IVC sits on the DMA Email Marketing Best Practice Hub

Daniel Lack - December 14, 2016 - News

Daniel Lack of Intelligent VC has been accepted to sit on the DMA Email Council’s Email Marketing Best Practice Hub, a group of email experts assigned with the task of producing the output for the Direct Marketing Association’s Email Best Practice Guide, the guidelines for email marketing do’s and don’ts. The Best Practice Guide will be available on their website and we will post a link to the Email Best Practice Guide once it’s published.

The DMA  provide the industry best-practice guidelines, legal updates and a code that puts the customer at the heart, representing a data-driven industry that’s leading the business sector in creativity and innovation. With 1000’s of companies as members and a huge resource of information and guides, the DMA are the number one body for direct marketing in the UK.

To find out more about the DMA, you can visit their site here, www.dma.org.uk.

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