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Content & Blogs

Well, I never heard it before, but it sounds uncommon nonsense!

Digital is all about great content

Websites, social media and email marketing campaigns all have one thing in common – they need great content to work. But what does that mean? It doesn’t have to be a literary classic involving our 3 friends above but it does need to be relevant, informative, unique and engaging. Basically good content requires knowledge and thought, and that’s why we employ a journalist to work with our clients to find and produce great content for everything from website blogs and social media, to catchy promotions and newsletters.

Blogs & Articles

Blogs are the heart and soul of every website. Their information engages your audience, their presence attracts traffic, their relevance and frequency play to the search engines and if they're interesting they make your site sticky and shareable. In summary, they are a must for every website.
  • A must for SEO and stickiness

Researched Topics

We talk to you about your business, industry and customers and discover the relevant sources of information to produce an evolving list of topics to research. This allows us to create unique, informative and engaging articles that demonstrate your expertise to your audience.
  • Regular, relevant and readable

Social Media

Effective social postings are well researched, planned and scheduled. As well as this there are often times you need to be reactive and use a more conversational tone. The one thing you always need however, is a regular stream of content that grabs attention, drives traffic and generates interest in what you have to offer.
  • Shorter, engaging and shareable

Let's chat content and copy

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